St Columba’s Catholic College has a strong academic focus which is reflected in the results achieved in both external examinations and engaging learning programs.
At the college, students are offered a rich co-curricular program which includes: sport, cultural pursuits, debating, public speaking, Tournament of the Minds, Lions’ Club Youth of the Year, social justice activities, Duke Of Edinburgh, drama and musical performances, assistance with Scripture classes in local government schools and involvement in Captivate initiatives. These activities provided a great opportunity to extend students’ learning and experiences outside the classroom.
The outstanding performances of the students at the college are recognised at regional, state and national levels. From sporting teams winning state competitions to student selection for HSC exhibitions, the college offers opportunities for all gifts and talents to be recognised.
We continued to implement changes to curriculum to meet the needs of students. Textbooks are increasingly being less relied upon for learning in Stages 4 and 5. The school used a variety of learning tools in the form of laptop computers, iPads, mobile devices and a range of educational web tools to engage students in the learning process.
This Learning section of our website contains information about our Religious Education, curriculum, careers, co-curricular activities and Library.
For further information, please feel free to contact us.